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Protection & Indemnity

Cover provided by either P&I Clubs or Fixed Premium Facilities, in respect of third party liabilities and related expenses incurred.

Freight Demurrage & Defence

Cover for Legal costs and expenses arising out of disputes on Charter Parties, Bills of Ladings, New-building contracts etc.

Charterers Liability & Damage to Hull

This insurance covers the liabilities of the Charterer of a vessel for Damage to Hull as well as Cargo Liability. It also provides P&I cover such as Personal Injury, Wreck Removal, General Average, Pollution, etc.

Ship Repairers Liability

Provides cover for the Shipyard against liabilities arising from acts of negligence which result in loss of or damage to the property of others, as well as bodily injury to third parties.

Excess Liabilities & Excess Oil Pollution

The cover provides additional limits in excess of Owners P&I Limit arrangements with regards to excess P&I Limits required and Excess Liabilities arising out of oil pollution incident.

COFR (Certificate of Financial Responsibility)

A COFR is issued by the NPFC (National Pollution Funds Centre) to vessel operators who have demonstrated their ability to meet requirements under the Oil Pollution Act ’90 and CERCLA.

ICB (International Carrier Bond)

Carriers are required to arrange for an International Carrier Bond prior to entering the US waters to load or discharge cargo. The Bond aims to secure payment of any fines, duties, taxes or other dues levied by Customs Authorities